Danzan Ryu resources on the web
- American Judo and JuJitsu Federation: National activities, historical information, FAQ, contact information, Kiai Echo Newsletter archive etc. The largest national Danzan Ryu organization. Pacific JuJitsu Kai is a member dojo.
- ProfHudson.com: Transitions Videos, Halau O Ho’Omana Dojo, DZR articles, etc.. Prof. Hudson is Prof Kaplowitz’s sensei.
- Success is in the Beginning: By Prof Tony Janovich of Kodenkan Jujitsu & Restoration Therapy. Prof Janovich led the 2013 Okugi where Prof Kaplowitz received a Shihan Kaidensho
- True Value of Martial Arts on Jujitsu-Do: Prof Don Cross website with articles on Peaceful Warrior, Warrior Healer, etc. Prof Cross is a fellow member of the AJJF Board of Professors with Prof Kaplowitz
- Danzan Ryu Homepage: Independent site with historical information, biographies, photographs, kanji dictionary, etc.
- Other DZR Sites: